- +91 98760-10064
- dipsuggi@gmail.com
- V.P.O. Uggi, Model Town, Tehsil Nakodar, Distt. Jalandhar
The Chairman of the ‘Chain of DIPS Institutions’ S.Gurbachan Singh Ji is the beacon, from whom the school derives its strength and direction. It was his long cherished dream to provide qualitative education to students residing in rural areas. His dream saw the light of the day on 1st Jan, 1994 when DIPS established its maiden branch at Dhilwan. Ever since, there is no stopping us. He is in fact the dedicated spirit behind imparting direction and substance to the mighty task of setting up this esteemed Institution. To him quality education is like a polestar that guides an individual not only in solving examinational question papers but also in surmounting the various hardships of practical life.
It is his fervent desire to produce star ‘DIPSIANS’ who would be physically stout, mentally alert, socially effective, morally upright and intellectually genius. He is a dynamic leader dedicated to public service, and his amiable personality and endearing virtues, coupled with humane and earthy approach to the education requirements of rural masses, have shot him into tremendous prominence . Possessed with sterling qualities of head and heart, easy of access, in him the school has not only a great philosopher and guide but also an ardent admirer and an indulgent and positive well wisher.
To say that he is a rare person of educational bent of mind will be an understatement. He is in fact, inspiration personified. With his blessings, wisdom and direction, the name of ‘DIPS’ Institutions shall definitely brighten and brighten to eternity .
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